Having difficulty accessing your new online account?
If you have booked for an event at Guildhall Arts Centre over the phone, or in person, but not online before, you will need to create a new password. To do this you need to follow the instructions on the account login page by clicking on the 'Reset here' link (see below).
After following the instructions to reset your password, you should receive an automated email with a unique link to change your password. This usually happens straight-away, however, sometimes this could take a few minutes. Please also check your junk mail folder.
When you have changed your password you will automatically be logged into your online account where you can see your purchase history (if any), your personal details, details of any memberships, delivery and billing addresses as well as your data protection and brochure preferences.
If after following the link in the email you are finding that you are getting stuck in a loop, this may be down to your browser's cookie settings. You gain full access to all of our website's features (plus a great many other websites) you will need to check your browser's settings are not set to block the domains: guidlhallartscentre.com and/or system.spektrix.com.
The links below may help if you are unfamiliar with your web browser's settings :
- Safari (iPhone/iPad)
We recommend that you use the latest version of Google Chrome to access and use guildhallartscentre.com.
If you continue to have problems, please email us.
Fri 28 - Sun 30 Mar
Bold explorers squeeze into the belly of an 18-metre-long...
Fri 28 Mar, Fri 25 Apr, Sat 24 May, Sat 28 Jun, Sat 26 Jul & Sat 23 Aug
An exciting, fun-filled night for adults with disabilities aged 16+, their families and su...
Fri 28 Mar
A Tribute Triple Bill bringing together the best tributes to...
Sat 29 Mar
It is easy for audiences to become entranced by the magical...